stirring it up since '09


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Monthly Meeting (social)

If you are on our mailing list you will receive an email reminding you of the next meeting. You can be added to our email list by choosing “Join our email list” on the front page.

Our next monthly meeting will be on the second Thursday of the month on May 9, 2024 . Arrive about 5:30 to eat and socialize. The meeting will start at 6:00.

We will be meeting in the back room at Roosters 10430 Shelbyville Rd

Resa Camoriano - Pledge of Allegiance, prayer and introduction

This month we will be educating ourselves on School Choice.

What is the Constitutional Amendment we will be voting on in November?

Why do we need school choice?

What types of school choices have been used in other states?

What can we do to persuade our fellow citizens to vote for the school amendment and then to persuade our legislators to vote for a robust school choice program for Kentucky after the amendment passes?


Beanie Geoghegan - Visiting Fellow Education Freedom Center Independent Women’s Forum - Beanie recently testified before the US House Judiciary Committee about Covid-19 effects on education.

Sarah Durand - VP of Government Affairs at KYFREE, former president of The Louisville Tea Party

Resa Camoriano - Retired patent attorney, President of The Louisville Tea Party

Around the room - each person that wishes to speak will have 1 minute.

Thank you for attending and we hope to see at our June meeting on the second Thursday.

Note well……..our meeting day has changed. We will meet on the second thursday starting in january 2024

Join Us Every second Thursday of the Month


Join us every Second thursday of the month

The Louisville Tea Party holds a monthly meeting on the second Thursday of each month. Social time starts at 5:30pm, meeting from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.

Each event features speakers on specific topics, as well as activism updates and training for those wishing to be more effective at influencing the political environment and holding politicians accountable.

Each month we print a review of the meeting for that month. If you would like to receive a copy of the review each month click on the ‘join our mail list’ and enter your email address.