stirring it up since '09


Fiscal Responsibility. Lower Taxes. Constitutionally Limited Government.


The mission of the Louisville TEA Party is to advocate for fiscally responsible policies, lower taxes, and Constitutionally limited government. We will accomplish our advocacy by organizing peaceful gatherings, supporting like-minded local, state, and federal candidates and educating the community at large.



The Louisville TEA Party holds a monthly gathering on the second Thursday of each month, with a social beginning at 5:30 PM and meeting from 6:00PM to 8:30PM. Each event features speakers on specific topics, as well as activism updates and training for those wishing to be more effective at influencing the political environment and holding politicians accountable.



Make Your Voice Heard



We are always looking for volunteers to working booth at festivals, writing for the newsletter, putting up flyers, helping with fundraising, helping constitutionally-minded candidates, and reaching out to local community groups.